What is a psychometric tool?

Firstly, let’s begin by answering ‘What is a psychometric tool?’ A psychometric tool is an assessment or instrument designed to measure psychological attributes such as personality traits, cognitive abilities, mental toughness, or other aspects of mental functioning through a series of standardised questions or tasks. These tools are often used in research, clinical settings, and various organisations to gain insights into an individual’s psychological characteristics and abilities.

In our research on psychometric tools commonly used to measure Mental Toughness, we have identified three notable tools. However, only one, the MTQ, appears to be well-established, commercially available, and supported. Here’s a summary of each tool:

Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ)

The SMTQ, developed by Sheard, Golby, and Wersch (2009), is a self-report instrument for assessing mental toughness in sports. It consists of 14 items rated on a 4-point Likert scale. The SMTQ also contains three subscales: Confidence (6 items), Constancy (4 items), and Control (4 items). However, as far as we can ascertain, SMTQ is not commercially available or supported for widespread use.

Psychological Performance Inventory (PPI)

The PPI, while recognized in the APA Psych Info Journal Article Database, has faced criticism regarding its effectiveness as a measure of mental toughness. According to an article titled “Psychological Performance Inventory: Is the mental toughness test tough enough?” there is a lack of confidence in the Inventory. Consequently, it has not been validated further and is not commercially available. However, Loehr’s 1986 mental toughness research and renowned practical coaching work have inspired others, including Professor Peter Clough and Keith Earle, who developed the MTQ48 concept, as discussed below.

The 4C’s Mental Toughness Framework and Related MTQ Plus Psychometric Assessment

The MTQ Plus framework and its associated psychometric assessments (MTQ Plus, which superseded the MTQ 48 in 2018, and the shorter MTQ 4C’s measure) are highly evidence-based, valid, and reliable tools. These commercially available assessments are supported globally and are considered the most reputable and established among the mental toughness measurement tools.

For more information on the MTQ Plus framework and psychometric assessment, please explore the related posts provided below. If you have a psychometric tool to add to the tool belt, let us know in the comment section!

How do you measure Mental Toughness, and what are the 4C’s?

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