10 Mentally Tough Icons You Need to Know

Blue background with bold white font words '10 mentally tough icons you need to know' framed by two lines of five images feature from top left to bottom right; Malala Yousafzai, Thomas Edion, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie, Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs, Muhammad Ali, Viktor Frankl and Oprah Winfrey. Everythingmentaltoughness logo in the bottom of frame.

A question I’m often asked is, “Which famous people, alive or dead, are, or were, mentally tough?” The answer is, of course, subjective. Mental toughness can mean different things depending on which attributes one values most—resilience, perseverance, confidence, emotional control, or adaptability. Some of these inspiring icons include those who have impacted history through sheer […]

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