Leaders: Here are 4 useful approaches to be prepared for your next crisis!

Blue background with white bold font overlaid 'Prepare for crisis with these four steps' 1.Stay alert, 2. Toughen up, 3. Strengthen networks, 4.Manage your mental state. A slightly transparent image sits behind of a hand blocking four fallen blocks to the left and protecting four standing blocks on the right. Everything Mental Toughness logo at the base of page.

As a leader or business owner, it’s important that you are mentally ready to accept that events don’t always go as planned. And, if – I mean when – they don’t, you are calm and confident enough to handle the crisis to the best of your ability.

Stoyan Yankov spoke with cofounder and CEO of Payhawk, Hristo Borisov for insights on crisis handling – Hristo shared four incredibly useful ideas: 

1️. Stay alert for risks and threats: Search for “what can go wrong” and stay updated on news, trends, and industry developments.

2️. Toughen up your team: Let them solve problems and emergencies. So, when a real crisis happens, they are ready to respond.

3️. Build a strong support network: Be a giver. Help people. Connect good people with one another. Provide value (without waiting for something in return). Surround yourself with strong, like-minded people.

4️. Learn to manage your mental state: In crisis time your first responsibility is to find your strength.

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